For performance reasons, we deploy Local Disk Caching with nimadm in our environment. 鉴于性能原因,我的环境中部署的nimadm启用了LocalDiskCaching选项。
Using the fastest hardware and storage management configuration possible, which involves factors such as disk and channel speed, write caching, and parallel writes. 尽可能使用最快的硬件和存储管理配置,这包括磁盘和通道速度、写缓存以及并行写等因素。
Disk caching reduces the in-memory footprint while creating a PDF, but is slower. 虽然在创建PDF时,磁盘缓存减少了内存占用,但是速度变得更慢了。
Local disk caching allows the NIM master to avoid having to use NFS to write to the client. 本地磁盘缓存允许NIM主机不必使用NFS来写入客户机。
It supports both local disk caching as well as caching in memory. 它既支持本地磁盘缓存,也支持内存中的缓存。
Some potential disadvantages of local disk caching are 本地磁盘缓存的一些潜在劣势是
The advantages of local disk caching over NFS could be summarized as 与NFS相比,本地磁盘缓存的优势总结如下
When an OpenAFS client is configured to do local disk caching, it conventionally stores caching-related data in a directory labeled/ usr/ vice/ cache. 在将OpenAFS客户端配置成进行本地磁盘缓存时,它通常会在标记为/usr/vice/cache的目录中存储与缓存相关的数据。
F2PC to the remote source is enabled, and the federated server's logs are on a disk without write caching ( green) 远程数据源启用了F2PC,且联邦服务器的日志放在无写缓存的磁盘上(绿色)
For a given type of log disk ( with or without write caching), Websphere Federation Server achieves a16%-26% higher transaction throughput than DataJoiner. 对于一种给定类型的日志磁盘(带或者不带写缓存),WebsphereFederationServer的事务吞吐量比DataJoiner高16%-26%。
CABVW keeps the balance between disk I/ O bandwidth and the caching system by dynamically adjusting the values of merging-cache cost and splitting-cache cost. 该算法通过动态调整拆分代价和合并代价的阈值,实现了磁盘带宽和缓存的负载平衡。
Application of Disk Caching Disk in writing of hard disk 磁盘缓存技术在硬盘写操作中的应用
We implement layered caching mechanism ( global disk caching and memory caching) using dynamic sharing running memory buffer algorithm to support more stable and real-time parallel streams; 采用动态共享运行缓冲区算法实现了分层缓存机制(全局磁盘缓存和内存缓存)以支持更多稳定、实时的并发流;
Focusing on the problem that under workloads of large dataset, the performance of a Web server is dropped due to the disk I/ O blockings, an application-controlled caching ( ACC) approach is presented. 针对大数据负载时磁盘I/O阻塞造成的Web服务器性能下降的问题,提出了应用程序控制缓冲(ACC)方法。
The comparison with the Hash-loops and Probe-loops algorithm, It is proved that it can cut down the time for accessing to disk at expense of caching exterior Object in JDO environment. 通过将该算法与Hash-loops和Probe-loops连接算法的比较,并在JDO环境予以实现,证明该连接算法通过缓存外层对象的空间换取了更短的磁盘访问时间。
This paper simply introduces two technologies which are the holographic storage technology and Disk Caching Disk technology, and also discusses the application of the DCD in the holographic storage system. 对全息存储技术和缓存磁盘技术进行了简单的介绍,并对缓存磁盘技术在全息存储系统中的应用作了较为详细的探讨。
It uses the idea of Disk Caching Disk for reference, decreases the negotiatory time of clients and servers by reusing data connection during multiple file transfers, and has great enhancement compared with ordinary FTP. 它借鉴磁盘缓存技术,通过重用文件传输中的数据连接,减少C/S双方协商的次数,大大提高了网络的吞吐率和文件传输的响应时间。
This paper presents a novel disk storage architecture called PRCD ( prefetching RAM caching disk). 介绍了一种新的磁盘存储体系结构PRCD(prefetchingRAMcachingdisk,预取主存缓冲磁盘技术)。
Design and implementation of proxy managed client-side disk caching for grid VFS GridVFS中代理管理客户端磁盘缓存的设计与实现
These strategies include pseudo-order control strategies, disk caching strategies, zero-copy strategy initiative discarded strategy, a feedback mechanism. 这些控制策略主要包括伪命令策略、磁盘缓存策略、零拷贝策略、主动丢弃策略、反馈机制。
When Server wants to write logical disk block of Client only caching in its own buffer pool, write operation is done directly. 当服务器写逻辑磁盘块,并且逻辑磁盘块只缓存在该服务器的缓冲区时,直接执行写操作。